[Salon] Biden's Trojan Pier & A Fake Aid Truck


Biden's Trojan Pier & A Fake Aid Truck

Reveal U.S. Boots On The Ground In Gaza

Lisa Savage   June 12, 2024

Control of the narrative being a signature of the Zionist project, last week's use of a fake aid truck full of soldiers has been lauded by pro-Israel press as a grand success, even as the raid killed hundreds of bystanders in order to snatch back four hostages.

At least some of the hostages were Israeli soldiers who would be more accurately described as prisoners of war.

Eyewitness testimony from some who survived in Nuseirat.

Among the hundreds killed were three other hostages, including one American. 

A salient feature of the Oct 7 breakout from Gaza was that the Israeli military killed many Israelis. (Zionists continue to claim that Hamas fighters killed all 1,200 victims, but that was always a lie.) Now, it appears that U.S. Special Forces are helping kill U.S. citizens to "liberate" them. Got it.

As the world watched U.S. taxpayers bleed money to build a pier off Gaza ostensibly to deliver humanitarian aid, almost no one believed that story. What the pier would eventually be used for was uncertain, but delivering food to a population being deliberately starved by Israel with U.S. backing wasn't likely. Now we see that the Trojan Pier is useful for delivering Trojan food trucks.

Most of the deaths in Nuseirat refugee camp occurred when a market was bombed to clear a path for Israeli vehicles.

Much has been made of the condition of the hostages who returned. All Israelis appear to have been fed adequately -- unlike the skeletons who emerge from months or years of captivity in Israel's archipelago of gulags for Palestinians. The Zionist press is accusing the 20-something hostages of having Stockholm Syndrome, a fake psychiatric condition where captives identify with their captors who, for example, "cynically" baked them a birthday cake. In fact, the reason Israeli children are prevented from ever meeting Palestinians is to conceal the fact that the indigenous culture has so many admirable qualities e.g. hospitality, also compassion.

One of the original Zionist crimes of the Nakba, besides outright murder, was the burning of ancient olive groves. A food source for an entire region, and one that takes years to come to maturity. Settlers in the West Bank continue this practice today although sometimes they use bulldozers to uproot the trees instead of setting fire to them. 

Weaponizing food has been a key feature of the genocide in Gaza: the Flour Massacres where aid trucks lure starving Palestinians out where snipers finish them off, the rioting Israeli civilians who block aid trucks and loot them so that no starving Palestinian children are fed.

Weaponizing the Gaza pier surprises no one. Well, possibly it surprised President Biden, who appears to be losing several marbles a day recently. One wonders if he can remember why, or even if, it was built by his administration. Does he care if the Pentagon has used it to put boots on the ground in Gaza? 

Ansar Allah (aka the Houthis) are about to get hypersonic weapons to continue their blockade of shipping that supports Israel. U.S. warships have already been hit by conventional missiles launched from Yemen. Yet another example of pulling down the curtain that conceals U.S. direct involvement in the Gaza genocide.

One hundred thousand protesters gathered outside the White House last weekend with a "red line" for Biden that contained the names of tens of thousands of Palestinians killed in Gaza since October. Chants included "Hey hey ho ho, Genocide Joe has got to go." But if Trump is elected -- and I predict, based on the corporate press keeping him constantly in the news, that he will be -- the genocide will likely continue much as it has. 

Voting will not fix our rapid descent into the hell created by our own evil actions.

The song "Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now (parody)" by Katie Halper and Daniel Maté has been stuck in my head for days now. Lyrics are in the description on YouTube.

Only a general strike will bring the U.S. war machine to a halt. May I live to see it.

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